

Last night, I went to confession…the priest remained silent the entire time I was confessing…which I kind of like, because it allows me to recount all of my sins without distraction.. well, before that, I'm so nervous mannn. Nak balik rasa even nak rasa nangis pun ada. Rasa berdosa sangat. =.= so, aku doa banyak2 untuk jauhkan nervous :)

I honestly and whole heartily feel I made a good confession…but if that is the case, why do I feel like a huge weight is still on me?  I still feel as if I am in mortal sin?  Do you think it was the lack of participation/chastisement on the part of the priest?  Could it be something else?

Confession means to agree with God. He already knows we’ve sinned, so we might as well be honest! “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9) Confession means freely admitting our sin and accepting God’s attitude about our sin. Confession does not mean begging God for forgiveness. Christ already paid the penalty for all of our sins, and God’s forgiveness is available automatically when we confess. The reason God can make this forgiveness available to you instantly is Christ’s death on the cross, not the strength or humility with which you confess your sin.

As a Christian, all of our sins are forgiven. We probably believe that from the Bible. But how do we respond to it? A friend who counsels many believers commented: “Some Christians don’t really believe they have sinned; others don’t believe they are forgiven.”

How much does sin matter to God? He cannot tolerate it. “Your eyes are too pure to look on evil; you cannot tolerate wrong.” (Habakkuk 1:13a) “God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all.” (1 John 1:5a)  That may seem unimportant. Hasn’t Jesus paid for all our sins? Why be concerned about sin when God loves us and offers a wonderful plan for our life? Perhaps we should view sins as mistakes, mere miscues in life.

God never views sin as such. Because of one sin, Adam and Eve were exiled from paradise. Because of sin God brought a flood upon the earth’s inhabitants in the days of Noah. He brought fire upon the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah because of their blatant immorality. Sin kept the original children of Israel in the wilderness for forty years.

God hates sin. Yet to us, sin feels good, and we do it. Like Adam and Eve, we think we can know evil and yet not be overcome by it. But we do not become like God. God knows of the existence of evil, yet God is not evil nor does He give in to evil. We, on the other hand, are attracted to it, and we give in to it.

Whenever our sin, God’s Spirit inside us is grieved. Sometimes He’ll cause us to feel guilty. In sinning, we are choosing at that instant to live independently of the Lord’s will for us. That doesn’t cause God to hate us. He still loves us. But it saddens Him: “And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom we were sealed for the day of redemption.” (Ephesians 4:30) 

* It just opened my eyes to how God views and that He always forgives my downfalls and it is only in Him that  strengthened to live above sin. Praise  the Lord! Alleluia ! Puji Tuhan !


Love and faith,
Ambai Kenyalang

 Love and Faith,

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