Aku dan Bola

Memandangkan sekarang ni musim Piala Malaysia..jadi topik pun bola la kan? Team Sarawak tetap dihati. Selamanya Ngap Sayoooot! 

Okay, point sebenar aku buat entry ni cuma nak bagi tahu yang aku ada kesangsian terhadap orang yang cakap pasal perempuan yang minat bola sepak. Sebab aku ni kaki penyokong bola. Aku memang tak terer sepak bola kat pandang tapi sebagai penyokong kat stadium boleh jer. Hurm.

Bila lelaki tengok bola, ia menjadi suasana biasa jika kedengaran jeritan-jeritan seperti di bawah:
" GOAL!!!! "
" Weh, offside la! "
" Ref, apasal tak dapat kad merah? Kasar kot! "
" Weh, ko bodoh la Rooney! asal main cam tu! "

Dan bila perempuan tengok bola pulak, biasa je kalau kedengaran ayat-ayat ini:
" OMG! Tu C.Ronaldo! "
" Oh, Messi!! "
" Aku sokong MU sebab ada RVP. He's hot! "
" Beckham, ko tetap di hati aku. Tiada yang lebih hot daripada kamu! <3"

Lelaki dan bola sepak memang dah sebati dari dulu-dulu lagi kan? memang tak de la yang nk dihairankan.. tapi bila disebut Perempuan dan bola sepak mesti ada sesetengah kaum Adam diluar sana akan berfikiran negatif..Orang selalu cakap, bola ni permainan lelaki. tapi aku rasa, maskulin tak maskulin, boleh je tengok bola. sama la macam sukan lain kan. Bagi aku kepada sesapa yang minat something tu hak masing masing. Sama la macam minat kepada satu sukan yang sangat sangat lah femes di dunia ni.

Banyak golongan yang sangat sangat tidak puas hati bila mana kaum perempuan minat bola. Tengok bola bukannya main bola. Dua pekara yang berbeza tu.Yang perempuan sama perempuan pun satu hal .‘Tak ladies lah kau minat bola.' Dapat suami pemain bola baru kau tahu, masa tu baru kau sibuk nak minat bola. Hekkelehhh.

Tapi betul ke wujud perempuan yang betul betul minat bola sepak tanpa ada sebab lain? Or minat bola sebab pakwe kau minat bola? Bukan minat sebab ada player hensem dalam team yang kau sokong tu? Ko memang main bola ke? Ke ade sebab lain eh? sangsi lahhhhh.

Banyak persoalan banyak juga jawapan. Lain orang, lain personalitinya. Rambut sama hitam, hati lain-lain. Tapi bila perempuan tengok bola, ada je mulut yang sumbang macam katak cakap, poyo la, bajet la, ape la... hallooo halllooo kakak! Ni zaman moden ler ... Perempuan dulu dengan perempuan sekarang berbeza yer... Apa dosa bila perempuan minat bola? Takde dosa kan? So... Kenapa nak pertikaikan bila perempuan bercakap pasal bola, minat bola or tengok bola?

Lagi satu soalan tak boleh blah bila orang selalu tanya kalau perempuan minat bola ialah, "ni mesti kau minat bola sebab ramai player yang kacak2 kan?"

Jawapan aku ialah,memang tak boleh disangkalkan lagi sememangnya peningkatan bilangan penonton bola sepak di kalangan wanita selalunya bermula dengan ketarikan mereka terhadap paras rupa pemain. Dah la hebat dalam sukan ini, hensem pulak, awek mana tak cair beb.  Haha. Tapi aku tak minat CR korang tu. Lagi pun, lumrah la kan..sama la macam lelaki tengok female beach volleyball.. haha. kami orang sebagai perempuan, mata kitorang mesti cepat kalau nak scan player kachak2 punya.. Tapi bagi aku, aku tengok bola sebab aku suka the adrenaline rush bila nak tunggu score.. memang naik stress kepala. Haha. Kalau dia gol, maka menanglah pasukan dia, negara/pasukan dia. Kalau dia tak gol, dia dah hampakan hati 30 billion penyokong.. kalah menang adat permainan.

 Alah, selama aku layan bola ni , aku dah lali dengan orang yang cakap macam2 dekat aku sebab aku tengok bola. Diehard fan lah sangat. Apa masalah aku tunjukkan yang aku ni fan real football. Haaa baru lah orang tabik springggg kat kite . havok gila perempuan tengok bola kan . haa kalau nak tahu ape yang best sangat kan layan bola ni , haa ce korang alaminya sndiri, tak nak sudah.

Alaaa kalau tak nak layan bola dari luar negara ni , ce layan bola Malaysia or layan bola pasukan negeri sendiri. Macam aku. Memang addict dengan JR and JKT  huhu. hari tu masa Malaysia vs Myanmar #pestabolamerdeka, Malaysia menang macam semua pakat update status pasal bola. laki pompuan? Dua-dua. Haah macam tu la perasaan excited membuak2 setiap kali kite orang layan bola ni ;)

Sebenarnya faktor persekitaran tu la yang menjadi penyebab utama ada perempuan yang minat tonton bola sepak. Aku rasalah. Aku sendiri pun, nama pemain2 bola kat Malaysia ni pun bukan semua aku kenal. .kalau setakat yang terkenal macam Piya, Nazmi, Wan Zack tu aku kenal lah.. Dekat pasukan Sarawak FA pun aku tak kenal semua 11 orang tu. Haha. Yang tip top aku hafal lah. So, dieorang kacak ke tidak bukan masalah..yang aku nak tengok main mesti bagus. kami orang perempuan tak semua nya sama macam lelaki..

Cuma sekarang ni yang pasti aku kalau nak tengok bola, aku tengok dekat rumah or live streaming. Hajat nak pergi stadium tu ada cuma kadang2 banyak pekara penting yang lebih penting dari bola. Lagipun aku pergi stadium tengok Sarawak main je pon. Haha

Okay :) Peace no war.

SO kesimpulannya. Aku memang penyokong setia bola sepak. Aku ni die hard fan LIVERPOOL, skuad MALAYSIA dan SARAWAK FA.

BACK ROW (L-R): Joseph Kalang Tie, Mohd Zulfadli Awg Marajeh, Mazwandi Zekeria, Mohd Hairol Mokhtar, Bobby Gonzales, Ronny Harun, Aidil Mohamad, Sani Anuar Kamsani, Saiful Amar Sudar, Mafry Balang,              
Guy Bwele, Mohd Azizan Baba, Shahran Abdul Samad, Ahmad Aminuddin Shaharudin, Ramesh Lai Ban Huat

FRONT ROW (L-R): Mohd Dzulazlan Ibrahim, Ashri Chuchu, Ronald Dennis, Azizan Saperi, Shahrol Malek,
Mohd Fareez Tukijo, Dalglish Papin ak Test, Mohd Shahrol Saperi (Captain), Ivan Babic

My favorite players, Lionel Messi and David Beckham. 

Why I love Messi? because he is great. I extremely enjoy watching his beautiful play and dribbling and his shooting accuracy is close to perfect.  Of course he is world's best players right now. And, I love Messi because I hate CR and RVP. :)

David Beckham

He looks great in just about every hairstyle he’s ever experimented with. He’s a great dad. No one can “Bend It Like Beckham” There’s no denying that he, guy’s who got talent.The man knows how to dress! Whether he’s dressing up in a suit or dressing down in casual wear, his choices are almost always impeccable. The tattoos. And tattoos can be sexy… very sexy. The man knows how to undress! He’s a multimillionaire and Victoria is one lucky lady.


P/S : Lelaki minat  rancangan ratu cantik apa cerita? sebab nak tengok dada dan betis je Perempuan tengok bola sebab lelaki hensem2 ? haha

haaa lu pikir la sendiri . babedoo.


Lmao it’s my birthday

As of the moment I am writing this, I'm celebrating my birthday today! 17th September.  I always make a big deal out of my birthday but I feel especially excited and spiritually connected to this birthday for some reason. Why? HEHE. ni kali lah birthday di perantauan. haha

First of all, I just want to say thank you, mom. Thank you for bringing me into this world.
Thank you for raising me to be who I am today, thank you for everything you've done for me, for being my inspiration and motivation to do what I want to do with my life. Thank you for putting me in check all those times I messed up. You were my hero and my advocate.

Thanks so much for all you have given me over the years – believe me, I know it hasn't been easy. And, on this the day of my birth, I think you should get some thanks from your loving daughter. On this magical day ninth years ago you gave me life and I couldn't be more grateful.

I know that I'm in some way responsible for Dad leaving us and it's something I've always felt bad about. I guess he just couldn't understand that women.  But I had a good childhood even without a father.

Growing up without my father was, by far, the hardest thing I've ever dealt with in my life. His choice to leave before I was born felt like a curse. It was "the unknown" that scared me so much. The unknown things like the why, the how, the what of growing up without him there. As a young child, I never really missed him because I didn't know any better. He just wasn't there, and that was that. My mom and the man she eventually married, the man I should call 'Dad', never left me wanting for anything, but there was nothing they could do to fill that void that was in the shape of the idea of my father.

I was in school when I began putting things together and asking questions about him. It started with little things wondering what he looked like or if I had walked past him. Unknown. I wondered how he dressed and how he talked. Unknown. What kind of music did he like? What were his favorite movies? Unknown. Those questions ate at me constantly. The more I thought about him, the more it make me crazy. sigh.

As I went into high school, the questions became bigger -- and so did the anxiety. Why did he leave? Was I completely unlovable? If I were an amazing kid, would he hear about it and want to be a part of my life? Did he think about me? Did he wonder who I was becoming? The anxiety attacks increased. I had no self esteem. I had a hard time trusting anyone. After all, if your own father can leave you, so can anyone else. Those words haunted me. They repeated in my head like a song stuck on repeat. The older I got, the more I grew angry. How could you leave your daughter? How could you just pretend he doesn't exist? How could a man just up and leave when he finds out he's going to become a father? Bullshit.

The questions and the anxiety never stopped. I never put the two together, but looking back now there is no doubt the anxiety and the unknown questions about my father were so clearly linked. I knew some people that are very close to him but I didn’t care. MALAS.  As I'm learning this, I want other fatherless sons to know that you're not alone. Your worth is not based on his choices or anyone else's but your own. So embrace the fear. Challenge the thoughts. Write out the story you've been telling yourself. Question the idea of the father you created in your head. Most importantly, know that no matter what, you too will be okay. You too are worthy and lovable. Only then can you be ready to jump into the unknown; it is the only way to free yourself.

Part of becoming a adult is also learning to forgive….so although I never forgave my father face to face…I did forgive him in my heart.  But it’s funny…although I forgave…I never forgot.
Well. I was talking shit too much.

But most of all, dear Lord, thank you for blessing me with a mother who introduced me to You when I was old enough to talk. For without You, I’d be lost and certainly wouldn’t appreciate the mother you gave me. Dear Mak, I miss you so much, Even though it's my birthday, it's you, mak, who deserves the good wishes. I love you .

This is my year I fully emerge into a rediscovered self, a more confident self, a more love-filled self, a more joy-filled self. This is also my year I fully step into my study =.=  (too many assignment) I’ve already been so incredibly blessed throughout my life, I can’t believe I truly feel that this is only the beginning…

To new chapters, new beginnings, and a renewed love of self and others ; AHHHHH, IT’S MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!! SWEET 19TH you!

May I ask for a birthday gift? HAHA

I honestly don’t want much, if anything I’d rather get myself half of these stuff than to be given it as a gift from someone lol. Ohhh the life of being from the land of broke.  Haha.. And all I want is money in the bank so that I can move to Vegas to be with the one person who means more than anything to me. ehhbaaaaa!

Birthday girl,

Happy Malaysia Day!

It has been 4 year since our Malaysian Day on 16th Sept declared as a public holiday. It is to marked the birth of Malaysia as a nation starting in 1963 when Malaya, North Borneo (Sabah), and Sarawak came together to form the nation of Malaysia. It should be a holiday for all to appreciate the value and importance of this day where it celebrates her people, her land, her future.

As we celebrate Malaysia Day, it is heartening to know that there is still a lack of awareness and ignorance still reigns among Malaysian about Malaysia Day.

Among the common misconceptions were:
1)  16th September 1963 is the date where Sabah and Sarawak join Malaysia, and hence Malaysia Day.

In fact, Sabah and Sarawak did not join Malaysia! They came together with Malaya and Singapore on Sept 16 in 1963 to become the Federation of Malaysia. Singapore left the federation two years later.
So, do not ask question such as ‘when did Sabah and Sarawak join Malaysia?’ or you get explosives answers especially from our fellow Malaysians from East. 

2) Penisular Malaysia is larger than Malaysian Borneo.

I know our somewhat distorted map would make many think that Penisular Malaysia appears larger than Malaysian Borneo, but in fact the Malaysian Borneo territories make up 61% of Malaysian land mass. Sarawak and Penisular Malaysia are roughly the same size.

3)     Malaysia Day is Sabah and Sarawak Independent Day celebration.

This is so wrong. It is of course a crude oversimplification on the government’s part to take this approach. Any student of history will see that there were many players who had a role in the acquiring of independence. *read my post about FAIRLAND SARAWAK* And it must be stressed that Malaysia Day is a national celebration and not Malaysian Borneo one. It is not partisan issues. It is about us – Malaysians. I feel proud that Sabah and Sarawak are part of Malaysia! Malaysia without Sabah and Sarawak is just plain Persekutuan Tanah Melayu. Malaya.  The addition of Sabah and Sarawak has made our Malaysian culture more diverse and unique.

So, as we celebrate Malaysia Day, I wish Malaysia to be prosperous, peaceful and more importantly united in celebration. Proud to be Malaysian. Saya anak Malaysia! Glory to God for this nation!

Selamat Hari Malaysia yang ke 50th!

Let's pray for everyone in our nation and may each one take refuge in our Lord. Pslam 1:12 "Blessed are all who take refuge in Him".

Love and faith,

Disebalik Hari Malaysia

16 September merupakan HARI MALAYSIA, di mana pada 16 September 1963, Sabah, Sarawak dan Singapura telah bergabung dengan Tanah Melaya untuk membentuk MALAYSIA. Walaupun Singapura kemudiannya “dikeluarkan” oleh Tunku Abdul Rahman pada 1965, namun, MALAYSIA kekal sebgai sebuah kerajaan PERSEKUTUAN. Ramai yang berpendapat dan beranggapan bahawa, Sabah dan Sarawak mendapat KEMERDEKAAN setelah menyertai MALAYSIA. Inilah “masalah”nya kerana generasi muda tidak didedahkan dengan FAKTA SEBENAR sejarah.

Perlu diingatkan, SABAH dan SARAWAK telah terlebih dahulu MERDEKA daripada jajahan BRITISH sebelum menyertai MALAYSIA. Sabah MERDEKA pada 31 Ogos 1963, manakala Sarawak MERDEKA lebih awal pada 22 Julai 1963. Pada ketika itu, kedua-dua pemimpin kerajaan Sabah dan Sarawak sedar, SABAH dan SARAWAK tidak boleh menyertai MALAYSIA jika masih BELUM MERDEKA. Jika tidak, HAK-HAK rakyat tempatan tidak akan dapat dipertahankan. Mungkin ada yang bertanya, mengapa SABAH dan SARAWAK hendak menyertai MALAYSIA jika sudah pun MERDEKA daripada BRITISH?

Sebabnya adalah ringkas, kerana pada waktu itu, SABAH dan SARAWAK menerima tekanan luar yang cukup kuat untuk “mengambil” Sabah dan Sarawak. Sabah pada ketika itu dituntut oleh FILIPINA manakala, Sarawak pula dituntut oleh INDONESIA. Sebab itulah, ketika MALAYSIA terbentuk, Indonesia melancarkan kempen “GANYANG MALAYSIA”. Justeru, perlu diingatkan bahawa, kemasukan SABAH dan SARAWAK ke dalam MALAYSIA ketika itu, juga bukanlah atas dasar menjadi “sebahagian” negeri-negeri MALAYSIA seperti sekarang, tetapi adalah sebagai sebuah kerajaan persekutuan. Contohnya lebih kurang macam di U.S., di mana kita seolah-olah memiliki tiga kerajaan yang disatukan sebagai sebuah KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN (Tanah Malaya, Sabah & Sarawak).

Itulah sebabnya, Sabah mempunyai syarat 20 PERKARA dan Sarawak pula mempunyai syarat 18 PERKARA ketika menyertai Malaysia. Tujuan syarat-syarat ini adalah untuk memastikan hak rakyat tempatan Sabah dan Sarawak adalah terjamain dan tidak diganggu gugat oleh Tanah Malaya. Selain itu, jika dilihat kepada struktur pemerintahan negeri, SABAH dan SARAWAK merupakan hanya dua negeri di Malaysia yang menggunakan Sistem Kabinet Menteri dalam pentadbiran kerajaan negeri. Oleh itu, adalah jelas di sini bahawa, SABAH dan SARAWAK hanyalah BERSEKUTU dengan kerajaan Tanah Malaya untuk membentuk MALAYSIA, dan bukannya menjadi sebahagian negeri di dalam Malaysia.

Percaya atau tidak? Lu pikir lah sendiri.

suka pula aku tengok entry ni colour2 haha

Peace yo,

So We Meet Again

It's 1.30 am already while I'm typing this right now and I'm FINALLY done with catching up on my blogging deadlines. (^__^)

September has arrived and once again we are almost at the end of the year. Sometimes we don't realize how fast time passes and we drop something we should do or simply trying to accomplish. What we must remember is that we live in the present, without forgetting our responsibilities and when I say that I mean those that we commit ourselves, after all, we are the only ones that can make us happy. Well, speaking of September is the month of many people, including my birthday!!!!!! The month that symbolizes much!


But honestly, a month didn't seem that long because my month has been really packed. I’ve mostly been busy with university assignments, our final project and I’m looking forward to semester break!!

Well said. I widh I wasn't LAZY. Lagi 2 minggu cuti study week. Tak sabar nak cuti sebenarnya walaupun sekejap jer. Satu bulan je pon. :( Tapi, aku ni mengidam giler makanan Sarawak. Dahki! haha

PENAT. Dan sekarang aku rasa PENAT lagi. Selagi tak habis sem ni, selagi tu penat aku takkan hilang. Kawan - kawan lain pun macam tu jugak. Semua penat dengan assignment yang bertimbun - timbun. Makin nak habis sem, makin banyak pulak kerja. Biasa la, nama pun student kan.

Banyak tak banyak. Semua nak kena submit dalam minggu depan. Sebenarnya aku rasa banyak kerja pun takpa. Baru mengajar kita macam mana nak handle masa. (Ayat Redha) Nanti kalau dah kerja mesti lagi teruk. Assignment itu, assignment ini, test itu, test ini. ishh. tapi takpe akan aku harunginya ia dengan penuh tabah. aisehhh. semakin stress, semakin banyak makan -_- Eh yeke?

Semakin banyak assignment, semakin galak jerawat tumbuh. Lagi satu, problem aku sekarang ialah tidur pagi. Tak sempat tidur jam 10-12 macam tu. haha. Alih2 jam 2/3/4 pagi tidur. Teruk. sebenarnya menjadi wanita yang selalu tidur subuh itu bukan pilihan.. tpi begini adanya, yasudahlaaah Haha. Lain la kalau kahwin dengan anak raja. Duduk istana goyang kaki ja. Haha!

Dalam sok busy ni pun, sempat lagi curi - curi tengok movie :P hehe.


Cara aku buang stress...aku gelak sorang2 layan IBAN TROLL dekat Facebook. Memang lawak tahap dewa. Para admin tu memang kreatif giler. Ade2 je idea dieorang tu. haha. 

nundi kaban...

Yang paling lawak yang ni, sebab aku selalu buat kat kawan aku and aku pun selalu kena. Haha.

Oklah, cukup2 merepek. Bye! :)

Thank you for reading :D 


Love and faith,
Ambai Kenyalang

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