It’s official.You’re a fake bitch.  And a hypocrite.  And a liar.  And a backstabber.  And a terrible friend.  And a mean girl.  And a wannabe. And an attention seeker. And just not a good person to me.
And I hate you.
And I don’t deserve to be treated like this.
So fuck you.  And your lies.  And your games.  And your attitude.  And you thinking that you’re better than me.
I don’t need you.  And I deserve better.  So go fuck yourself.  Karma is a bitch.  Just like you. 
I’m moving on to better friends who treat me right and stick around.  Not friends who are only there when it’s convenient for them.  Not friends who pretend to be good people but are really complete assholes.
I don’t need you.  And I don’t want you.
Bye! :D

Dealing with backstabbers, there's one thing I've learned. The bitches are only powerful when your back is turned. - eminem . karma is like 69. U get, what u give! Dafuqq u bitch! Hell naw!

I knew I knew I wouldn't forget you (:

I don’t understand how you can smile all day long but cry yourself to sleep at night. How pictures never change but the people in them do. How our best friend can become our worst enemy, or how strange it is when your worst enemy turns into your best friend. How forever turns into a few short months that you’d do almost anything to get back. How you can let go of something we once said and we couldn’t live without. How even though you know something is best for you, it just hurts the same. How the people who once wanted to spend every second with you, think a few minutes of their time is too much to spare. How people make promises despite knowing how common it is for promises to be broken. How people can erase you from their lives just because it’s easier than working things out. What can I say when the world turns its back on you, you just gotta keep moving on. Ignoring the bitch faces, dirty looks and stupid bitches that were once close people you use to be friends with. But how did it end up to come to this? Well, I’ll tell you. When you have a friend who is supposed to be there for you but only talks to you when she’s either bored, alone, or needs you for a favor.
I’m pretty sure you could figure out which one I was. You got it all three. Ironically enough it was for each friend or “friends” Now I am not at fault here. Just it happens it’s high school. This stuff happens all the time. But how could I tolerate it after everything I’ve done for them to be used, mistreated and forgotten all while I was just trying to be someone they could trust. I guess that wasn’t good enough for them though. And to the friend that was misguided to leave me behind. I don’t blame you and the things I said were only the truth. You needed to hear it from someone and if you can’t handle it then it is not my responsibility, just now I apologize for having this friendship end. But when you ditch me and only ask me about that. I just hate the fact that I’m being blamed for this. I’m finally right about you mistreating me and yet you go off and tell them that I’m doing it again. I’m sorry but that is not my fault any longer. You want this friendship to work you should have met me half way. My condolences I our friendship. Means a lot. Truly. lelengau ku ke nuan. kemaya mih tua ulh begu;lai. taja mayuh jaku acuk orang psal nuan tapi aku nemu. :D aku nemu.
. I honestly tried. Please forgive me if i upset you up there. I tried being nice, and even apologized just for the sake of showing respect and being civil.  sorry love. but, bff are forever. I'm always there is you need me. :} <3

Ngiling Bidai !

30 June 2012
Tr. Entili, Rayah Ili, Julau


Pengawa Ngiling Bidai enggau Ngiling Tikai dua macham pengawa nutup hari besai gawai dayak ke enda sebaka. Pengawa Ngiling Tikai mayuh dikena kelebih agi ba gawai mit baka kitai ti baru udah abis ngintu Hari Gawai Dayak, laban ba gawai mit baka tu kitai enda ngerembaika bidai laban kenu ku jaku nadai tuju kitai nganchau bidai ba ruai..
Nya alai Ngiling Tikai nutup gawai mit baka Gawai Dayak mayuh ngena tikai ke digaga ari tikai rutan, tikai bemban enggau mayuh ma­cham tikai bukai.
Bidai tu digaga ari tikai rutan dianyam beselat lambar enggau kulit tekalung/ribis/temeran. Temeran tu dibelah nyadi lambar bidai ke dianyam beselat enggau rutan dalam gaya anyam tunggal (kulit tekalung tu diulih ari pun kayu ke ngena nama ke sebaka, iya nya Kayu Tekalung).
Bisi orang nyebut nya Idas lalu bisi mega orang nyebut nya tikai Sana. Nemu??
Kemaya hari tu laban kitai bansa Dayak nyau pandai agi ngaga reti jaku ke mai mayuh reti.. Nyadi ti dikumbai kitai mayuh reti nya sebaka, tang ke bendar iya Nigiling Bidai enggau Ngiling Tikai mai reti ke enda sebaka.œEnti nuan bisi bidai, ke digiling nuan, lalu iya sigi amat bidai ke digiling. Lalu maya pansut ba surat berita lagi dipandang sigi amai bidai nadai salah kitai nyebut Ngil­ing Bidai. Tang enti baka ke mayuh udah dikeluar ba surat berita madahka pengawa Ngiling Bidai, tang ba gambar peda aku gambar tikai Bemban ke digiling. Nyadi nya ku aku enda betul. Iya ke bansa nya, nyarut ke adat, nyarut ke main asal kitai empu.
Ke temu tudah aku, iya ke Bidai nya dulu kelia dikumbai orang alai engkah padi lebuh udah ngetau, en­dur orang nugung ke padi.
Lebuh orang begawai be­sai, orang semina ngeremÂbaika bidai enti sema gawai besai baka Gawai Kenyalang, Gawai Kelingkang, Gawai Batu ti alai orang mesti nirika pandung.
Pandung tu baka altera ke ditimang orang. Kebuah iya enda tau enda ngena bidai laban lambar bidai nya kasar bisi endur nanchang empat iti tali kena nyadika rangka endur orang ngaga pandung. Nya alai rebak diatu enda tau enda ngena atur baka nya. Enti ngena tikai enggai nyadi ngaga rangka nya. Iya mega begunaka rutan empat iti ke digaga orang segi empat kurang lebih dua kaki square, lalu iya ditanchang ngagai lambar bidai, lalu tanchang ngagai sadau tauka ngagai pemanggai ba atas din.Udah nya tadi, iya lalu dibungkur ngena lantai pelanka. Lantai pelangka nya endur orang ngaga pand­ung. Ari luar lantai pelanka nya baru orang ngurung nya ngena pua kumbu....

p/s : nya mh tadi jalai tauka genturung orang ngereja pengawa ngiling bidai. Ngarap ke adat tu enda dibuai ngapa enda dilengka bala nembiak rebak diatu.. 

 Dtk. Joseph Salang.

                                                            Tikai benung digiling.

                                                  Nutup pengawa. Tr. Entili enggau Datuk Jo.

Lots of love,
Ambai Kenyalang <3

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